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Free Range Ukulele Society of Oak Park

The Free Range Ukulele Society of Oak Park Meetup (http://bit.ly/1gQWtMI) gets together every Thursday evening—except holidays and when the hosting venue has a special event—from 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m at:

Eastgate Café (EastgateCafe.net)
102 Harrison Street
Oak Park, Illinois

On your first visit, be sure to introduce yourself to one of the song-leaders. Also see their website (FreeRangeUkuleleSociety.com).


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[-] Is this the group that Terri Hemmert talks about?

Yes. Terri mentions the group regularly, especially during her Sunday morning “Breakfast with The Beatles” radio program on WXRT (93.1 FM).

[-] What is a “Meetup Group?”

A Meetup Group is a group of people with a common interest who found each other through the Meetup.com website. The Free Range Ukulele Society of Oak Park Meetup (http://bit.ly/1gQWtMI) is one such group.

[-] Do I need to be a Meetup.com member?

Strictly speaking, no. However only Meetup.com members who have joined the Free Range Ukulele Society of Oak Park Meetup (http://bit.ly/1gQWtMI) will receive e-mail notifications of upcoming and important group news, so becoming a Meetup.com member is highly encouraged. Membership in Meetup.com is free.

[-] Do I need to call ahead?

No. Just show up and introduce yourself. The Eastgate Café is very small and you won't have an any problem finding the group there.

[-] Do I need a ukulele?

Well, it's called a ukulele society, so having a ukulele would be nice. If you don't own one now, you'll find a nice selection of ukuleles here:

However we are also a singing group, so, if you like to sing, don't let not owning or knowing how to play a ukulele stop you from coming.

[-] Are beginning ukulele players allowed?

Absolutely! The Free Range Ukulele Society of Oak Park Meetup Group is open to everyone, beginners as well as experienced players.

[-] Do I need a songbook?

No. Song-sheets and song-sheet packets are provided.

By the way, another reason why Meetup.com membership is encouraged is that members are able to RSVP to meetings which helps the group organizers know how many packets and such to print.

[-] How much does it cost?

A donation is requested to defray the cost of printing and some other group expenses. The organizers all volunteer their time and other resources, i.e., nobody gets paid. The suggested donation amount is never more than $5.00, often less, and we use a pay-what-you-can honor system.

Our venue, the Eastgate Café, does not charge the group for the use of their dining room, so we encourage our participants, as an act of courtesy, to order a little something at the meeting, or maybe even come early to have dinner—their food is wonderful!

22-Dec-2011 Article and Video

Wonderwall's Oak Park Ukulele Meetup Group were joined at their holiday party at the Eastgate Café on December 22, 2011, by a reporter and a photographer/cameraman from the Chicago Tribune. That resulted in an article which appeared in print (Section 1, page 2) and online on December 26th, and a video which also appeared online on December 26. Chris is quoted twice in the article and is identified at the beginning of the video.

7-Aug-2011 Video

The Harrison Street Ukulele Players performing in the Battle of the Beatles Bands at the 2011 Fest for Beatles Fans. Chris and Alvin are on the house right, and the camera pans over there twice.

28-Oct-2010 Video

A little video the Oak Park/River Forest Patch made on October 28th, 2010. That's Chris in the cowboy hat.